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Providing Immigrant Women opportunities to improve their lives

Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

Register & Help Make Change

Volunteer, Participate, or Donate

Be a Beacon of Light in Refugees' Life

Taliban failures speed up Afghan brain drain, battering an already crippled economy (Part

Support Afghan women and girls being banned from school 



The Afghan Women’s Centre (AWC) of Montreal empowers socially isolated immigrant women within Montreal by creating programs according to their needs, facilitating self-development workshops, and promoting team-based projects. 


We are a team of women from diverse backgrounds who are unified by the goal of empowering immigrant women in Montreal. With our activities and interactive workshops, we are dedicated to helping women find their rightful place in a new environment.

Visit our catering website to learn more about authentic Afghan food and explore our cooking classes.
Click the image to learn more!


Become a Member!

An AWC membership guarantees you free access to all of the courses, activities, and meetings that the AWC has to offer. You can become a member of the AWC for an annual fee of just 20$, and will give you access to AWC membership meetings. Click here for more details on becoming a member. 


Non-members and guests are always welcome! Participation in courses and activities for non-members must be paid separately for each event that you wish to attend. Click here for more details on courses and events.

Join Us

The Afghan Women's Centre of Montreal relies on the generous support of volunteers and donors.

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